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The Alpha World


Ranked as 5615 on our all-time top downloads list with 6688 downloads.

Filename mario_alpha.zip (Download)
Title The Alpha World
Description The Alpha World will by far consist of the hardest and most in-depth levels ever made for Mario. The Alpha World will consist of a scheduled of 7 Lands, each with 7 or more Levels in each. The reason I say scheduled is because I could decide to create more that just 7 Lands. This file contains all of the Lands so far released for The Alpha World, including the Demo World. The other nice thing about The Alpha World is that it actually follows a plot, and all the levels were not created randomly.
Author David Krueger (wheelman777@comcast.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels (Mario)
File Size 14,648 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Apr 27 23:19:09 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Jared Brayshaw
Reviewed on 2006-01-18
This was my favorite set of levels until the “GW” worlds came along. It is incredibly hard, but once you've finished a levelset you will get a strange sense of satisfaction that rarely comes from playing calculator games.

After you finish the 4 worlds (each with 10 levels), you can probably delete them. However, it is nice to make sure you can still beat them. If you want to be the best Mario player in your school, this is the levelset to download.

Length: Long (many hours)
Replayability: 2/10
Theme: 10/10
Difficulty: Very Hard
Overall 8/10 (this is not a level for new players)

These levels should only be played with “Super Mario v1.2”.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
The Alpha World.txt   8066
ALPHA_A_.8XP   5318
ALPHA_B_.8XP   4662
ALPHA_C_.8XP   6031
Demo Text.txt   318
Alpha World Demo.8xp   4056

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