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BasicHook 0.8.1


Ranked as 7744 on our all-time top downloads list with 5585 downloads.
Ranked as 6096 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename basichook.zip (Download)
Title BasicHook 0.8.1
Description NOTE: I am not maintaining this program anymore; use the program called ExtFunc if you do not need all of the features of this program. Basic Hook is an assembly language program that allows BASIC programmers to use assembly language routines in their programs. This hook contains 34 functions.
Author Daniel De Graaf (ticalc@dgd.no-ip.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 103,007 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Apr 26 16:13:04 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
UserFunc.tpr   3193
Example/hookebk.9xy   3611
Example/hookebk.89y   3611
Example/FileUtil.89p   1236
Example/GraphGR.89p   368
Example/MiscUtil.89p   892
Example/HookHelp.89t   896
InternFunc/return_bint.c   331
InternFunc/init.c   1435
InternFunc/get_file.c   447
InternFunc/get_file_sym.c   1516
InternFunc/return_int.c   476
InternFunc/return_bint.o   593
InternFunc/get_int.c   83
InternFunc/return_string.c   378
InternFunc/io.h   266
InternFunc/get_list.c   81
InternFunc/return_str.o   584
InternFunc/return_list.o   613
InternFunc/return_int.o   644
InternFunc/local_str.o   548
InternFunc/init.o   732
InternFunc/BatteryState.o   603
InternFunc/get_list_size.o   504
InternFunc/BatteryState.s   1136
InternFunc/get_list_data.o   608
InternFunc/GetPopupMenu.c   870
InternFunc/get_int_data.o   457
InternFunc/return_string.o   600
InternFunc/get_file_sym.o   735
InternFunc/get_file.o   517
InternFunc/GetPopupMenu.o   637
UserFunc/0.c   244
UserFunc/2.c   228
UserFunc/3.c   753
UserFunc/1.c   128
UserFunc/4.c   230
UserFunc/5.c   494
UserFunc/6.c   303
UserFunc/7.c   201
UserFunc/8.c   133
UserFunc/9.c   151
UserFunc/10.c   538
UserFunc/11.c   608
UserFunc/12.c   853
UserFunc/14.c   216
UserFunc/13.c   401
UserFunc/15.c   121
UserFunc/16.c   354
UserFunc/17.c   1586
UserFunc/18.c   394
UserFunc/19.c   306
UserFunc/20.c   373
UserFunc/21.c   444
UserFunc/22.c   379
UserFunc/23.c   490
UserFunc/24.c   122
UserFunc/25.c   859
UserFunc/26.c   2062
UserFunc/27.c   241
UserFunc/28.c   620
UserFunc/29.c   291
UserFunc/30.c   267
UserFunc/31.c   112
UserFunc/32.c   3663
UserFunc/33.c   908
UserFunc/0.o   570
UserFunc/1.o   456
UserFunc/34.c   2556
UserFunc/2.o   566
UserFunc/3.o   688
UserFunc/4.o   602
UserFunc/5.o   512
UserFunc/6.o   603
UserFunc/7.o   500
UserFunc/8.o   440
UserFunc/9.o   540
UserFunc/10.o   716
UserFunc/11.o   711
UserFunc/12.o   730
UserFunc/13.o   689
UserFunc/14.o   482
UserFunc/15.o   450
UserFunc/16.o   590
UserFunc/17.o   1098
UserFunc/18.o   634
UserFunc/19.o   670
UserFunc/21.o   706
UserFunc/22.o   591
UserFunc/23.o   620
UserFunc/24.o   468
UserFunc/25.o   958
UserFunc/26.o   1231
UserFunc/27.o   528
UserFunc/28.o   688
UserFunc/20.o   670
UserFunc/29.o   606
UserFunc/30.o   640
UserFunc/31.o   472
UserFunc/32.o   1504
UserFunc/33.o   1052
UserFunc/34.o   2152
Global.h   2658
Hook.89z   12585
Hook.9xz   12585
Hook.tpr   837
Main.c   1689
Main.o   1855
UserFunc.a   33754
Doc/FuncList.txt   5027
Doc/Hook.txt   1113
Doc/License.txt   18342
Doc/ExtraHelp.html   79899
Readme.txt   4069

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