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Ranked as 5489 on our all-time top downloads list with 6805 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 475 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.62.

Filename wormy.zip (Download)
Title Wormy
Description The ultimate singleplayer/multiplayer game. Call it a free movement Nibbles, featuring levels (and editor), smooth scrolling, multiplayer upto four players on one calc or over link, several different configurable game types (like deathmatch, foodmatch, racing, CTF), and much more =)
Author Shiar (shiar@shiar.org)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 105,378 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 6 23:46:29 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Anthony Loven
Reviewed on 2004-12-20
Attention span: 8/10
Controls: 9/10 Most simple controls for this type of game.
Implementation: 8/10 Diverse worlds and simple understanding.
Overall: 8/10 This game was so fun to play multiplayer!

“Wormy” is a snake-nibbles like game, but with all-direction movement. It has a bunch of gameplay modes, like “Capture the Flag,” and even multiplayer deathmatches! The worlds are so unique in this game, and it has external level support! This game is certainly not repetitive, and my friends and I played this during study halls quite a bit. I really liked this game, and since it does not take up a lot of space on the calc, I was fine with having it on it. Great job!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
wormy.txt   10584
src/wormy.z80   100650
src/wormedit.pas   66733
bin/wormedit.exe   28750
bin/worm5253.exe   5746
bin/wormy.86p   6509
levels/wormy001.86s   2463
levels/wormage.86s   762
levels/wormy002.86s   725
levels/wormy004.86s   1272
levels/wormage2.86s   883
wormy.86g   8915
bin/wormlite.86p   6323

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