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The BASIC Quadratic Formula


Ranked as 13205 on our all-time top downloads list with 3959 downloads.
Ranked as 18485 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename quad7.zip (Download)
Title The BASIC Quadratic Formula
Description This is a very simple quadratic formula. It'll give you imaginary solutions in addition to real solutions. The biggest advantage my program has over others is its simplicity and its looks. My program doesn't have the extra needless features that other quadratic programs have; there are no nagging screens at the beginning telling you who wrote it. All my program does is give you the two x values in the neatest and quickest way possible. The source code is included in a text file, so if you don't have a data cable, you can manually enter the code in.
Author Geoffrey Fairchild (fangs404@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Math Programs (Quadratic Solvers)
File Size 1,566 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Oct 27 21:36:51 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
quad.83P   689
quad.8XP   691
quad.txt   973
readme.txt   130

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