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Eternal Slash II


Ranked as 24729 on our all-time top downloads list with 2431 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename es86ii.zip (Download)
Title Eternal Slash II
Description The sequel to the TI-86 BASIC RPG, Eternal Slash, where you take on the role of Ardent, the son of Ike where his quest is to become a member of a group called Sharp Edge. It includes random enemy encounters with turn-based battles as well as various side quests.
Author Romel Williams (omerome@hotmail.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Games
File Size 16,012 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 22 10:12:33 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  william white
Reviewed on 2004-04-13
This game is awesome! It has potions, elixirs, weapons, and tonics, not to mention fully graphical gameplay. For a BASIC game, it's quite large and would probably be better in assembly. It cleans up after itself, uses lots of pictures, and has a nice RPG style storyline. This will be graded on a handicap, which must be allowed for BASIC's restrictions:

Graphics: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Storyline: 9/10
Controls: 10/10
Size: 5/10
Speed: 4/10

Overall, this is a must download considering it used great routines and was quite original. As mentioned before, I would like to see at least a compressed library for the graphics, or some other assembly enhancement for size/speed. This is recommended to anybody who plays TI-86 RPG style games.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
es86ii.86g   48097
Eternal Slash II Readme.txt   3150

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