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Tetris Pro


Ranked as 1153 on our all-time top downloads list with 15508 downloads.

Filename ntetris.zip (Download)
Title Tetris Pro
Description The most advanced single player tetris from the ti83, now for the ti83+!
Author Joseph Holloway (jh27@acsu.buffalo.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Puzzle)
File Size 23,313 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Feb 16 15:10:03 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Floyd Maseda
Reviewed on 2004-10-16
All I have to say about “Tetris Pro” is "WOW!" This game has an awesome interface with graphics I've never seen in any other “Tetris” game. When you get a “Game Over,” the screen splits in half line by line and separates. This is unlike anything I have ever seen, and I think it is very awesome. I recommend that anyone who has the time to play games during class to download this. This is the best “Tetris” game I have ever seen.

There is, sadly, a downside to this game though. There is no drop key, and the blocks go a tad too slow. Besides this, I have no other complaints about anything in this game. Good work!

Overall rating 9.5/10 for slow blocks.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ntetris.8xp   6173
array.z80   3301
ion.inc   10079
math.z80   1369
ntetris.z80   4470
pictures.txt   2641
tdata.z80   1944
highscr.z80   7120
tetris.inc   1662
tgameng.z80   28468
text.txt   5274
writeup.txt   2276

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