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Math Equations II v2.80


Ranked as 5739 on our all-time top downloads list with 6642 downloads.
Ranked as 4626 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename mathequationsii.zip (Download)
Title Math Equations II v2.80
Description The greatest compliation of math functions is back! Bigger, Better, more Powerful than ever! Just over 10k big (went down in size due to some major restructuring, but it does everything it did before but better, I promise), this program has 21 different functions including the quadrati, system of equations, point length/midpoint/slope, polygon angles, real number to hexadecimal converter, hexadecimal to real number converter, proportions, geometric mean, 30-60-90 triangle, 45-45-90 triangle, radical reducer, triangle type, and pythagorean theroem! and so much more! whew! so much for one program! A must have for any math student, smart or dumb! download it now before TiCalc's servers are overloaded!
Author Snyper aka March McLaughlin (thesnyper@aol.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 21,879 bytes
File Date and Time Wed May 14 00:41:33 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
VC.8XP   302
VP.8XP   512
VS.8XP   166
MATHEQX.8XG   10607
AM.8XP   281
AN.8XP   190
AO.8XP   207
AP.8XP   170
AT.8XP   216
CD.8XP   203
CH.8XP   309
CT.8XP   245
FE.8XP   897
GM.8XP   161
IN.8XP   140
LC.8XP   279
LS.8XP   293
PA.8XP   481
PF.8XP   211
PP.8XP   682
PQ.8XP   129
PY.8XP   248
QF.8XP   763
RN.8XP   199
RR.8XP   142
RS.8XP   236
SA.8XP   209
SE.8XP   309
SF.8XP   143
SL.8XP   320
T3.8XP   399
T4.8XP   373
TA.8XP   202
TM.8XP   307
TT.8XP   206
TU.8XP   166
MathEquationsII.txt   5673
NS.8XP   106
NT.8XP   89

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