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Artificial Intelligence Chat


Ranked as 5599 on our all-time top downloads list with 6711 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename aichat.zip (Download)
Title Artificial Intelligence Chat
Description The program will say things from a vocabulary file that grows as you talk to the program. Have fun.
Author John Wister (FireFighter_231@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Misc./Amusements, Toys)
File Size 946 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Feb 10 16:05:10 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Alex M
Reviewed on 2005-04-23
I had my eyes on this game from before I bought my TI-89T. It makes such a creative use of lists and the augment() function. It's surprisingly fun to play with for a while.

The best experience you'll get out of “AI Chat” is if you launch it with the TI-Keyboard plugged in. Then you could chat for hours. With the 89.

Overall rating: 10/10
One of the most creative programs from these archives. Another living example that Simplicity > Complexity


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AI Chat/README.txt   579
AI Chat/AI.89P   370

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