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Invaded v1.4.1


Ranked as 244 on our all-time top downloads list with 39871 downloads.
Ranked as 8920 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 415 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.79.

Filename invm.zip (Download)
Title Invaded v1.4.1
Description Aliens are trying to take over (again!). It's up to you in your state-of-the-art® fighter to stop them! This game comes with a Levelset Editor for you to make you own Levelsets complete with your own enemies, end-of-level bosses and even your own Tileset if you want! Get it now!
Author James Vernon (jamesv82@live.com.au)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 193,440 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Apr 1 01:02:44 2012
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  David Tao
Reviewed on 2005-04-17
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“Invaded 1.4” is a great, addicting, ASM shooter, with exceptional graphics and gameplay. It seems pretty original (despite the others’ saying it sounds like some archaic arcade game). However, memory consumption is quite an issue, especially if you're trying to play this on the regular 83+. It drains your memory. I haven't worked with the level-editor, so I don’t know much about that.

Speed and Graphics: 9/10
Memory: 7/10
Overall: 8/10

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
editor/aiscripts.doc   13312
editor/demo1.asm   1831
editor/demo2.asm   3203
editor/devpac83.com   1024
editor/DEVPAC8X.COM   935
editor/editor.bat   456
editor/HUFFMAN.EXE   15808
editor/IEDITOR.C   67236
editor/IEDITOR.EXE   57796
editor/pickups.txt   501
editor/TASM.EXE   76580
editor/TASM80.TAB   15032
editor/tileset.bat   477
editor/zildemo1.bin   698
editor/zildemo2.bin   961
editor/ZITDEMO1.BIN   60
editor/ZITDEMO2.BIN   140
editor/ZITTCPA1.BIN   1092
levelsets/DEMO1.doc   5120
levelsets/DEMO2.doc   5120
levelsets/JIM01.doc   830976
levelsets/ZILDEMO1.8XP   460
levelsets/ZILDEMO2.8XP   598
levelsets/ZILJIM01.8XP   2780
source/anim.asm   3619
source/boss.asm   2798
source/build.bat   1200
source/bullets.asm   8383
source/collide.asm   1614
source/damage.asm   10714
source/data.asm   4965
source/directin.inc   3099
source/ebullets.asm   8055
source/enemy.asm   7252
source/enemyai.asm   13958
source/gbullets.asm   6115
source/get_key.inc   2352
source/HUFFEXTR.H   2694
source/ideas_etc.txt   2157
source/invaded.asm   18945
source/levelset.txt   1159
source/main.asm   19482
source/misc.asm   9056
source/mydetect.asm   3594
source/orb.asm   5622
source/pickups.asm   7041
source/player.asm   6229
source/screen.asm   11651
source/sprite.asm   14609
source/sprites.asm   6025
source/title.asm   1035
source/title.bmp   18486
source/vars.asm   7570
tilesets/ZITDEMO1.8XP   136
tilesets/ZITDEMO2.8XP   216
tilesets/ZITTCPA1.8XP   1168
readme.html   38105

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