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Alpha World One


Ranked as 11235 on our all-time top downloads list with 4417 downloads.
Ranked as 5873 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename alpha1.86s (Download)
Title Alpha World One
Description Ten levels.
Author Chris D. (Chrisdesantis@myownemail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Game Levels (Super Mario)
File Size 1,602 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 1 13:48:33 2002
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Scott Potter
Reviewed on 2004-10-23
Difficulty: 6/10
How long it took me to beat: 30 minutes
Overall Score: B+

I have mixed feelings about this world. My biggest concern is that many levels start with spikes directly under you, meaning you can die immediately if you don’t know it is coming. As a result you need to memorize the beginning of each level in order to survive. This does have its advantages as well. The author has created a level where you rarely have time to decide what to do. It gives the level an extremely fast paced feel, though it sometimes can be an annoyance.

Overall I enjoyed “Alpha World One.” It presented much more of a challenge than many others and forced quick thinking and decisions. While this lead to a large number of deaths and restarts, it did cause this World to be extremely interesting. It has the feeling of a well though out level and the author took the time to add an interesting background. This world may not be for you. If you are a beginner or become frustrated easily if you die too often I would suggest a different level. If, however, you are moderate to advanced in skill level you should find this level moderately challenging and quite interesting.


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