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Numerica v1.0 (Numeric Method Suite)


Ranked as 1615 on our all-time top downloads list with 12692 downloads.
Ranked as 7006 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 509 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.46.

Filename numerica.zip (Download)
Title Numerica v1.0 (Numeric Method Suite)
Description Numerica is a set of numeric-method programs that solve several problems. It can find zeroes in a function using the bisection, newton-raphson, or regula falsi methods. Interpolates with the secant, tangent, lagrange or taylor methods. Integrates with trapezoidal, simpson or MonteCarlo methods. And solves Diff. Eq.'s with the Euler, Euler-Enhanced and Runge-Kutta methods. It's very easy to use, TRY IT!!!
Author Kuashio (kuashio@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 25,767 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jan 30 08:43:42 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Yas Please M
Reviewed on 2011-05-17
I've searched for a good numerical methods/analysis suite for an hour. And this is best ones in English in terms of completeness and ease-of-use.

It's perfect with superb documentation, help manual, and importantly : concise menu dialogs. (so many programs out there with a bad interface)

Thank you Kuashio for the great program !


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Archive Contents
Name Size
numce.89g   31455
readme.txt   7781
eulertbl.gif   2228
montesim.gif   1966
percent.gif   1825
eulgraph.gif   2112
numerica.89g   46095

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