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Penguins v1.1


Ranked as 685 on our all-time top downloads list with 21677 downloads.
Ranked as 11439 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename penguins.zip (Download)
Title Penguins v1.1
Description A platform game featuring a variety of characters, smooth scrolling, and external levels.
Author Bill Nagel (b.nagel@usa.net)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 6,543 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jun 30 22:13:18 1998
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Kirk Meyer
Reviewed on 2004-11-02
Attention span: 8/10 The expandable levels are nice but take a large amount of space.
Controls: 8/10 The jumping routine needs work, and the arrow keys seem unresponsive.
Implementation: 8/10 The ordering of the levels is mean and undermines the game.
Overall: 8/10 Fix the controls and reverse the level order, and we'd have a good game.

Penguins is a side-scrolling game similar to Mario Brothers, but quite different in one respect, that being that you can't kill anything. You are Pete the Pimpin' Penguin and you must defeat Puffy Penguin in order to save Penny the Princess Penguin. The game allows for expandable games, although only one game comes with Penguins. A level editor is available.

It was awfully mean of Bill to arrange the levels in reverse order (hardest to easiest). Not only that, but it makes newcomers give up the game quite quickly. The jumping routines don't seem to work quite right and sometimes the game seems unresponsive. The game is designed for Aurora, and if you run the program with "Asm(zPENGUIN" rather than "progPENG" you will get an error message.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   3991
PENGUINS.86G   7183

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