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AndyMath 1.0


Ranked as 2188 on our all-time top downloads list with 10673 downloads.
Ranked as 23044 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename andymath.zip (Download)
Title AndyMath 1.0
Description ATTENTION ALL!!!!!! This is arguably the best math program EVER made for the Ti-83 Plus. Believe me, I've looked at most of the other math programs and I think this is THE BEST ONE OUT THERE! There is SO much in it that I only have room for a brief overview: AndyMath has all sorts of shape formulas, formulas for triangles including the Pythagorean theorem and the law of cosines, line equations, exponential growth and decay, averaging, the quadratic formula, a simplest radical form solver, and some physics formulas. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. YOU HAVE MY WORD ON THAT!!!!
Author Andy Trozan (latrozan@home.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 13,773 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 16 08:28:41 2001
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
AndyMath/AndyMath.txt   4582
AndyMath/group/ANDYMATH.8XG   9083
AndyMath/programs/ANDYMATH.8XP   798
AndyMath/programs/YAVG.8XP   342
AndyMath/programs/YEXPONEN.8XP   206
AndyMath/programs/YGRAPH.8XP   190
AndyMath/programs/YLINE.8XP   1737
AndyMath/programs/YMENU.8XP   625
AndyMath/programs/YPHYSICS.8XP   1080
AndyMath/programs/YQUADRAT.8XP   1346
AndyMath/programs/YRADICAL.8XP   540
AndyMath/programs/YSHAPES.8XP   2570
AndyMath/programs/Z.8XP   219

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