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BomberMaze68k v1.02 Final


Ranked as 184 on our all-time top downloads list with 46950 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 267 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.23.

Filename bombermaze.zip (Download)
Title BomberMaze68k v1.02 Final
Description The famous ti-68k bomberman... now TI-89 Titanium and V200 compatible
Author Flavien Racine (f.racine@tiscali.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade)
File Size 179,096 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 10 07:14:59 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Lekan Wang
Reviewed on 2004-04-25
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

For its complexity, “BomberMaze” is extremely stable. This game has a great balance between being too easy as to the point of it being boring, and impossibly difficult. The balance makes the game fun, while retaining a bit of difficulty. This is a great remake of “Bomberman!”

Here are some ratings by categories:
Gameplay: 9/10 - Very smooth and well-designed, but it is difficult to see since the screen is small.
Graphics: 10/10 - This has everything short of 3D rendering.
Addictiveness: 9/10 - The game is quite addicting, but I am still capable of getting tired of it after an hour or so.
Practice-Dependency: 7/10 - A little practice is needed to get started.

Overall: 9/10

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Compressed/BombMaze.89y   26283
Compressed/BombMaze.89z   1099
Compressed/BombMaze.9xy   26283
Compressed/BombMaze.9xz   1099
Compressed/BombMaze.v2y   26283
Compressed/BombMaze.v2z   1099
Levels/BLUEZ.89S   2214
Levels/BLUEZ.9XS   2214
Levels/BMLVLS.89S   18770
Levels/BMLVLS.9XS   18770
Levels/WOW.89S   1174
Levels/WOW.9XS   1174
UnCompressed/BombMaze.89z   51367
UnCompressed/BombMaze.9xz   51367
UnCompressed/BombMaze.v2z   51367
Read-Me.txt   5961

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