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Mega Man 86


Ranked as 371 on our all-time top downloads list with 31090 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 143 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.51.

Filename megaman.zip (Download)
Title Mega Man 86
Description A clone of the Mega Man 2 game for the NES is now available for your TI-86!
Author Cullen Sauls (sauls@tamu.edu)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 107,428 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jan 2 10:54:13 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Andy Patterson
Reviewed on 2004-03-20
This is possibly the most amazing game I have played on my calc. The graphics are incredible- they look like they are straight from the original MegaMan game. There are at least 8 different kinds of enemies, each animated. Each little effect- from the particles when you blow up to the shock you receive when an enemy attacks, is simulated here.

There are a few small points in this game, however. Unfortunately, due to its massive size and the fact that it is in 4-level grayscale, it is slow. Not too slow to be playable, but still, somewhat annoying at times. Also, the levels are very short. Further, you cannot shoot a charge shot, as in the original game. However, this game is incredible when paired with about any other game out there (particularly MegaMan83). If you have an 86- DOWNLOAD this game.

Rating- 9/10

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MMEnd0.86s   4370
MMEnd1.86s   6593
MMEnd2.86s   4745
MMEnd3.86s   5131
MMEnd4.86s   5536
MMTitle.86s   3263
No Sound - MegaMan.86p   9209
No Sound - MMFunc.86s   472
Sound - MegaMan.86p   9229
Sound - MMFunc.86s   476
Difficult/Difficult - MMAir.86s   2045
Difficult/Difficult - MMBubb.86s   3079
Difficult/Difficult - MMCrsh.86s   3022
Difficult/Difficult - MMDrW1.86s   2229
Difficult/Difficult - MMDrW3.86s   1573
Difficult/Difficult - MMDrW4.86s   2758
Difficult/Difficult - MMFlsh.86s   2627
Difficult/Difficult - MMHeat.86s   2727
Difficult/Difficult - MMMet.86s   2283
Difficult/Difficult - MMQuik.86s   2424
Difficult/Difficult - MMWood.86s   2829
Difficult/Difficult - MMDrW2.86s   2093
Normal/Normal - MMAir.86s   2045
Normal/Normal - MMBubb.86s   3079
Normal/Normal - MMCrsh.86s   3023
Normal/Normal - MMDrW1.86s   2229
Normal/Normal - MMDrW3.86s   1573
Normal/Normal - MMDrW4.86s   2758
Normal/Normal - MMFlsh.86s   2627
Normal/Normal - MMHeat.86s   2727
Normal/Normal - MMMet.86s   2283
Normal/Normal - MMQuik.86s   2424
Normal/Normal - MMWood.86s   2829
Normal/Normal - MMDrW2.86s   2093
MMData.86s   5421
Manual.txt   10218

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