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Crates 3D v1.0


Ranked as 4346 on our all-time top downloads list with 7607 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 214 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.34.

Filename crates3d.zip (Download)
Title Crates 3D v1.0
Description An original puzzle game in which you must guide yourself through a three-dimensional world of moveable crates to the exit. You can view the world from four different angles. The game comes with 16 standard levels, and a level editor is included so that you can create your own.
Authors Badja (badja@calc.org)
Andreas Finne (porter) (a_finne@hotmail.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 316,564 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 19 01:30:36 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Anthony Loven
Reviewed on 2004-12-20
Attention span: 7/10 Not really a replayable game
Controls: 7/10 It's hard to see where to go; and when you mess up, you have to start over
Implementation: 8/10 It has really good graphics for what it is.
Overall: 7/10 Not something I especially liked.

“Crates 3D” is a puzzle game where you are a crate and you have to find your way to the top a another certain crate in a world filled with crates. You can only move up one crate at a time, and to move around, you can move crates yourself. This game is sort of hard, because even with four viewing angles, it is hard to see what to do. If I got stuck, instead of wanting to replay, I just turned it off. The graphics were good, and I liked the fact that you can push crates off the level, and watch them fall. It would have been more realistic (Yes, I know being a moving crate is already very realistic) if the crates would fall down when an empty space is present under them, but that would perhaps take fun out of it. I recommend this game to those who enjoy puzzles games and really want a good challenge.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
crates3d.86p   2218
RLE.ASM   1758
SPR30AX.INC   6073
crates3d.txt   5020
crates3d.asm   29901
C3DSTD.86S   5289
VBRUN300.DLL   398416
CRATES3D.EXE   35900

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