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Laser Tank 1.7


Ranked as 557 on our all-time top downloads list with 24409 downloads.
Ranked as 4744 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 378 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.95.

Filename ltank.zip (Download)
Title Laser Tank 1.7
Description Runs on TI89, TI89 Titanium, TI92+, Voyage200. Laser Tank is nostub multiple level puzzle game in which you must drive your tank to the flag. Obstacles include water, anti-tank guns,tank movers,moveable blocks, ice, thin ice, mirrors and others. Some objects can be moved or destroyed by firing your laser at them. A level editor is integrated in the program allowing you to modify and create your own levels. Multiple level files can easily be managed. Help screens are included in the program. Included are nearly 200 levels to solve.
Author Marvin Thorman (mthorman@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 677,020 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Feb 13 02:30:14 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
TI89 Ltank/Changes.txt   2345
TI89 Ltank/Ltank.txt   11938
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.larissa.89y   2347
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.laser.89y   9347
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.laserold.89y   13847
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.marlin1.89y   31597
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.marlin2.89y   3597
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.marvin.89y   7847
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.original.89y   14597
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.russell.89y   19597
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.tricks.89y   3347
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/lasertnk.trilevel.89y   2347
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/Ltank.89y   20197
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/Ltank.89z   1095
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/Ltank.9xy   20646
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/Ltank.9xz   1095
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/Ltank.v2y   20646
TI89 Ltank/New Binaries/Ltank.v2z   1095
TI89 Ltank/Old Binaries/c_underscore_files.ltank.89z   1859
TI89 Ltank/Old Binaries/c_underscore_files.ltankzip.89y   19815
TI89 Ltank/Screen Shots/screen1.gif   1359
TI89 Ltank/Screen Shots/screen2.gif   1751
TI89 Ltank/Screen Shots/screen3.gif   2584
TI89 Ltank/Screen Shots/screen4.gif   1444
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.laser.89y   9347
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.laserold.89y   13847
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.ltank.89z   1095
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.ltankzip.89y   19940
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.marlin1.89y   31597
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.marlin2.89y   3597
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.marvin.89y   7847
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.original.89y   14597
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.russell.89y   19597
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.tricks.89y   3347
TI89 Ltank/Solved Levels/lasertnk.trilevel.89y   2347
TI89 Ltank/Solving Tricks Levels.txt   7318
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/credits.h   3044
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/editor.h   5798
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/filer.h   13896
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/game.h   19327
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/help.h   6148
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/keydef.h   1489
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/leveler.h   8830
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/Ltank.89y   20197
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/Ltank.89z   1095
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/Ltank.c   20867
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/Ltank.dbg   406256
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/Ltank.h   18644
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/Ltank.o   90020
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/Ltank.tpr   1455
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/Ltank.tpr.bak   1455
TI89 Ltank/Source_89/users.h   245
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/credits.h   3070
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/editor.h   5918
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/filer.h   13904
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/game.h   19391
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/help.h   6175
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/keydef.h   1747
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/leveler.h   8856
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.9xy   20646
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.9xz   1095
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.c   21224
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.dbg   406256
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.h   18766
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.o   91550
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.tpr   1455
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.v2y   20646
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/Ltank.v2z   1095
TI89 Ltank/Source_92/users.h   245
TI89 Ltank/Verison_1.7.txt   40

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