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Ranked as 24716 on our all-time top downloads list with 2426 downloads.
Ranked as 5530 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename freedom.zip (Download)
Title Freedom
Description Text game about a war between the Soviets and Allies. First game I wrote.
Author Prophet Games (iudicium15@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Games (Role-playing/Text adventure)
File Size 2,027 bytes
File Date and Time Wed May 30 02:50:22 2001
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Arthur O'Dwyer
Reviewed on 2010-11-16
A simple menu-based "RPG" in which you are in charge of winning the Cold War for the Soviets (or allegedly for the Allies, but that half of the game just exited with "Unknown Label" when I tried it). You can spend your limited amount of cash on guns or tanks, or recruit soldiers for free; then you select "ATTACK ALLIES". If your strength is high enough, you win that stage and go on to the next country where you do the same thing again; otherwise, your army is decimated and you have to do the same thing again, *again*.

In practice, it seems like it's just an exercise in hitting "RECRUIT" over and over, since soldiers boost your strength for free. The game doesn't give you any hints as to the strength you need in order to clear each stage, either. I got bored pretty quickly. Definite balance issues here. :)

There is also an option to use nukes, which if you correctly type the secret verification code "Y-E-S" causes the game to end spectacularly. But don't worry; if you fail to enter "Y-E-S" the game ends anyway, with an error.

On the plus side, there's a good deal of flavortext, including randomized messages when you "RECRUIT". The game feels polished... until you get to one of the parts that just isn't there. 9/10 for flavor, 6/10 for effort, 2/10 for replay value.


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