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The Shadow of Nárkemen v1.21


Ranked as 3807 on our all-time top downloads list with 8066 downloads.
Ranked as 3312 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename narkemen.zip (Download)
Title The Shadow of Nárkemen v1.21
Description Part I of an original RPG featuring a dynamic party, multiple enemies, spells, skills, character classes, and a great storyline. Works with Ashell, SOS, ION, or from PRGM menu.
Author Kerey Roper (kerey@narkemen.org)
Category TI-83 Assembly Games
File Size 16,356 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Sep 30 00:15:52 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Vincent Jünemann
Reviewed on 2004-05-11
Graphics: To be honest, this game has some simple graphics in the overworld. There are no animations, and the scrolling happens tile-wise (which means it scrolls one tile at the same time when moving). But this changes when a battle starts. Stunning animations with those little 8x8 sprites gives the player the real deal! The pixel effects used in this game are just unique and surely good inspiration for other TI RPG developers!
Points: 7/10

Gameplay: “The Shadow of Nárkemen” is an epic story. There are several weapons, spells and skills to master, as well as different classes and characters who can join your party, making this game a RPG highlight for the TI-83.
Points: 9/10

Other: This game has a good replay value, because you can play the game with different classes. When have finished the game, you can save it and when Part II is released (it is in beta at the moment), you will be able to play Part II with your saved character!
Points 8/10

”TsoN” is surely one of the greatest RPGs currently available for the 83. The gameplay will make you forget about the somewhat bad graphics and will surely give you many hours of entertainment.
Total Points: 24/30


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Archive Contents
Name Size
UPDATE.83G   266
readme.txt   1621
PART1.83G   24192

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