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Physics Solver v1.2


Ranked as 1986 on our all-time top downloads list with 11216 downloads.
Ranked as 2776 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.
Ranked as 55 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.69.

Filename phsolver.zip (Download)
Title Physics Solver v1.2
Description Imagine being able to not have to pay attention in your Physics class ever again!! This program will let you solve 140 physics equations for **ANY VARIABLE** within each equation. Not only can you solve for whatever you want, but this program is easier to use than than the calculator's own Operating System. It also features the ability to only load certain subject on your calculator when you need them since they are divided up by subjects (24 programs total,) this will save you a lot of space! Finally if you and/or your friends struggle in Physics you need to get these programs, they exist for nearly every programmable TI Graping calculator, so check em out and start getting better grades today!
Author Morgan Davies (morgazum85@gmail.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Science Programs
File Size 156,806 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Apr 9 00:00:53 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.85p   2166
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.86p   2050
Physics Solver v1.2/PhSolver.html   28482
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Acceleration.html   15748
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Atom.html   15887
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Circuits.html   16130
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Currents.html   15833
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Diffraction.html   15803
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Electric.html   15819
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/EMFields.html   15928
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Energy.html   15754
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Forces.html   15655
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Gravity.html   16052
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Induction.html   16022
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Magnetic.html   15659
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Matter.html   15923
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Mirrors.html   15770
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Miscellaneous.html   15722
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Momentum.html   16043
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Motion2D.html   15823
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Quantum.html   15846
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Reflection.html   15795
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Thermal.html   15847
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Vectors.html   15851
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Velocity.html   15748
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Waves.html   15862
Physics Solver v1.2/Read Me/Work.html   15801
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Acceleration.85p   2341
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Atom.85p   2698
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Circuits.85p   2577
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Currents.85p   1860
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Diffraction.85p   2131
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Electric.85p   2194
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/EMFields.85p   3487
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Energy.85p   2526
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Forces.85p   1448
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Gravity.85p   4313
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Induction.85p   3548
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Magnetic.85p   1010
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Matter.85p   2683
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Mirrors.85p   1714
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Miscellaneous.85p   1691
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Momentum.85p   3210
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Motion2D.85p   2848
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Quantum.85p   3906
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Reflection.85p   1654
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Thermal.85p   2809
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Vectors.85p   3501
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Velocity.85p   1204
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Waves.85p   3046
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-85/Work.85p   3033
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Acceleration.86p   2354
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Atom.86p   2653
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Circuits.86p   2633
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Currents.86p   1860
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Diffraction.86p   2147
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Electric.86p   2232
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/EMFields.86p   3409
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Energy.86p   2577
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Forces.86p   1520
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Gravity.86p   4361
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Induction.86p   3592
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Magnetic.86p   1054
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Matter.86p   2774
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Mirrors.86p   1762
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Miscellaneous.86p   1779
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Momentum.86p   3328
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Motion2D.86p   2896
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Quantum.86p   4007
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Reflection.86p   1726
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Thermal.86p   2860
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Vectors.86p   3557
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Velocity.86p   1261
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Waves.86p   3103
Physics Solver v1.2/TI-86/Work.86p   3129

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