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Real-time Command To Conquer


Ranked as 174 on our all-time top downloads list with 48452 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 154 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.48.

Filename command2.zip (Download)
Title Real-time Command To Conquer
Description A real-time strategy game based off of Command & Conquer. It runs very similar to Command & Conquer for the PC. It includes a map editor so you can make your own maps. Programmed in C using TIGCC, it is nostub. Source code included.
Author Ty Taylor (tnt@calcware.org)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Strategy)
File Size 158,308 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jan 16 03:58:19 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Nathan Dykhuis
Reviewed on 2004-10-11
“Command to Conquer” is a commendable remake of the game of a similar name for PC. Considering the hardware limitations of a TI-89, the creator did an exceptional job. There are a number of units and buildings, and the enemy AI is challenging. The game runs almost exactly the same as the PC version, though the arrow keys are slightly difficult to use as a mouse. The game runs quickly, but a little speed boost would be nice. The grayscale doesn't seem to work on the patched version on my 89 Titanium, but it looks good on the screenshots.

With a couple minor upgrades and a few more levels, “C2C” would be perfect.
Rating: 9/10

See 3 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ctc2/levels/CTCN03.89S   963
ctc2/levels/CTCN02.89S   951
ctc2/levels/ctcn01.89S   1900
ctc2/levels/ctcg01.89s   1588
ctc2/levels/Try1.89s   2626
ctc2/levels/CTST01.89S   743
ctc2/levels/CTST06.89S   2874
ctc2/levels/CTST05.89S   4928
ctc2/levels/CTST04.89S   808
ctc2/levels/CTST03.89S   847
ctc2/levels/CTST02.89S   1051
ctc2/levels/CTST07.89S   1062
ctc2/source/ctc2edit.c   28542
ctc2/source/gfxdata.c   72642
ctc2/source/ctc2data.c   137832
ctc2/ctc2gfx.89z   18705
ctc2/ctc2edit.89z   1689
ctc2/ctc2edit.89y   9125
ctc2/ctc2data.9xz   63609
ctc2/ctc2edit.txt   4882
ctc2/ctc2.txt   4923
ctc2/ctc2data.89z   63525
ctc2/ctc2.89z   521

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