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Zapi 83


Ranked as 4486 on our all-time top downloads list with 7486 downloads.
Ranked as 9465 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename zapi83p.zip (Download)
Title Zapi 83
Description *** New *** Large Sprites and Static Maps, some bugs fixed. Amazing! Basic programs will never be the same again! If you want program good graphical games take this! RLE compressed pictures! 8x8 display sprites! Inverse text! Inverse graph! Filled rectangle! Scrolling graphics! And lots of more stuff. Only to advanced basic coders.
Author KammutierSpule - Mario Luzeiro (kammutierspule@mail.pt)
Category TI-83 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 323,694 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 15 17:29:45 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ZAPI.83P   894
CPrgm/Tasm.exe   215072
CPrgm/DEVPAC83.COM   1024
CPrgm/ion.inc   10816
CPrgm/asm.bat   767
CPrgm/TASM80.TAB   23045
DemoProgram/DEMOPRGM.83G   3134
DemoProgram/Readme.txt   47
DemoProgram/demozapi1.gif   155531
Help/logo.jpg   63265
Help/tut1.htm   3101
Help/tut3.htm   1722
Help/zapi83.htm   648
Help/tut2.htm   8524
Help/tutorials.htm   1923
Help/tut4.htm   1986
Help/tut5.htm   2009
Help/tut6.htm   2550
Help/tut7.htm   1402
Help/tut8.htm   1820
Help/tut9.htm   5299
Help/credits.htm   7310
Help/version.htm   2177
Help/top.htm   2778
Help/history.htm   1840
Help/index1.htm   4098
Help/animate.js   14261
Help/next.htm   1687
Help/about.htm   2116
Help/links.htm   1774
Help/pics.htm   9005
Help/pattern.bmp   24630
Help/tut11.htm   2633
Help/tips.htm   6040
Help/tut12.htm   2595
Help/sprites.htm   5075
Help/maps.htm   4372
Help/lsprites.htm   4346
Hist/KStamp.exe   11936
Hist/HISTORY.INF   321
Hist/HISTORY.TXT   14779
zapic/RLE.asm   1477
zapic/ZAPIC.EXE   7696
zapic/ZAPIC.PAS   2380
zapic/GAMEPIC.Z80   384
zlspr/ZLSPR.EXE   6224
zlspr/ZlSPR.PAS   1091
zlspr/sprdata.z80   139
zlspr/zlspr.z80   2602
zlspr/zlspr.bat   9
zmap/zmap.bat   8
zmap/sprdata.z80   137
zmap/zmap.z80   4020
zmap/ZMAP.EXE   6080
zmap/mapdata.z80   409
zmap/ZMap.PAS   1052
zspr/ZSPR.PAS   1051
zspr/ZSPR.EXE   6112
zspr/zspr.z80   2668
zspr/sprdata.z80   137
zspr/zspr.bat   8
Description.txt   273
install.bat   228
Lastminute.txt   222
Code/ZAPI.z80   2065
Code/screeninv.z80   888
Code/scrollback.z80   4035
Code/routines.z80   4310
Code/linerect.z80   6131
Code/Getscr.z80   2369
ZAPI.8xp   896
ZASMLOAD.83P   284

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