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Pokemon Vs Digimon


Ranked as 925 on our all-time top downloads list with 17789 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename pokevsdigi.zip (Download)
Title Pokemon Vs Digimon
Description The best Pokemon/Digimon game ever made for TI! Remember how cool it was to have Pokemon game in your TI-83(plus). Now experience two of the baddest monster fighters in one game! You are Ash, a pokemon trainer off to a big tournament to become a Pokemon master. But this year's tournament is different from the last. Not only you have to battle out Pokemons but also Digimons! Pick betweed 10 of the most famous Pokemons to Train, sleep, feed, play, bet on fights, or even register into tournaments. Unlike other Pokemon games, you're now able to have not only one but two Pokemon fighting side by side at the same time! This mean you can unleash super team up combo attacks, Team up special attacks, Team up combo special attacks, and finishing moves! Don't forget, Hitoshi (programmer) will never settle of textbased, it's all in full graphics.
Author Hitoshi Koizumi (TIgamehelp@comcast.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 135,487 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 16 00:11:16 2001
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/PVSDP1.8XG   19452
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/Note.txt   358
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/PVD_Readme.doc   293376
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/GDB0.8XD   184
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LA1.8XL   1408
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LA2.8XL   1480
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LA3.8XL   1408
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LA4.8XL   1120
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LA5.8XL   1660
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LB1.8XL   1516
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LB2.8XL   508
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LB3.8XL   544
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LB4.8XL   1336
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LB5.8XL   904
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LC1.8XL   976
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LC2.8XL   1372
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LC3.8XL   1624
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Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LD1.8XL   1228
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LD2.8XL   940
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LD3.8XL   1804
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LD4.8XL   1012
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LD5.8XL   400
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Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LDATA2.8XL   436
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LE1.8XL   1588
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Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LE6.8XL   2164
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LE7.8XL   2344
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LE8.8XL   2272
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LE9.8XL   2452
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/LG1.8XL   1084
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/PIC1.8XI   832
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/PIC2.8XI   832
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/PIC4.8XI   832
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/PIC5.8XI   832
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/PIC6.8XI   832
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/PIC9.8XI   832
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/A_Readme_DataBase.txt   128
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/ERRORFIX.8XP   442
Pokemon_Vs_Digimon/DataBase_List/INTRO.8XP   713
Shots3.gif   799
Shots2.gif   608
Shots1.gif   704
Shots4.gif   646
Submission_Form.txt   959

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