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Ranked as 7610 on our all-time top downloads list with 5641 downloads.
Ranked as 4040 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.

Filename bestview.zip (Download)
Title BestView
Description This is a tsr that integrates into your calc and monitors your position in the home screen history. If you press f2 while in the history and the entire screen will be devoted to the display of that history item
Author Samuel Stearley (sstear70@calvin.edu)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 13,042 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 16 14:17:10 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Element Fire
Reviewed on 2005-03-13
“BestView” is an excellent program for any TI-89 user who often has results in the home screen that scroll beyond viewing limits (on the right side of the screen). As the description states, once you've installed this TSR, you scroll to that entry and hit [F2] to see the highlighted entry alone, with full scrolling capability. This program is never leaving my calc.

(+) Easy to install
(+) Easy to use
(+) No noticeable lag/system slowdown
(-) None!
(?) Why doesn't the OS have something like this built in? Having huge matrices on the screen is impossible to read by default, unless you use the Data/Matrix Editor.

Legend: (+) – Good
(-) – Bad
(?) - Puzzling


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Archive Contents
Name Size
BestView.txt   4198
bestview.asm   12655
bestview.89z   889
bestview.9xz   889
uninevhk.asm   6891
uninevhk.9xz   749
uninevhk.txt   5738
uninevhk.89z   749

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