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TICT eBook-Reader v2.06


Ranked as 160 on our all-time top downloads list with 50608 downloads.
Ranked as 3174 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.
Ranked as 144 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.50.

Filename ebkrdr.zip (Download)
Title TICT eBook-Reader v2.06
Description The TICT eBook Reader for the TI-89 and the TI-92p may be used to view eBooks from the TICT eBooks Series 2000 or compatible ones on your calculator. eBooks for this reader can be found on http://tict.ticalc.org or in in the eBooks Section of the ticalc.org archives [NOSTUB program]. v2.xx add medium font (F_6x8) versions. v2.06 is compiled with TIGCC 0.95 Beta 12, adding optimizations and TI-89 Titanium compatibility.
Author Thomas Nussbaumer (thomas.nussbaumer@gmx.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 58,925 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 18 17:22:05 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  MX TBOL3
Reviewed on 2006-02-27
“TICT eBook Reader” is a very small program, with a nice easy to use interface. Just pick a book from you shelf and read. It is about 1/10 the file space of TI-reader and the eBooks are about 1/2 the size of TI-reader’s books.

Space: 10/10 (compared to the app TI-reader)
Ease of use: 9/10, very good, not as easy as TI readers.
Font options: 8/10, two types regular and large, depends on what file you send to the calculator.
Making books: 7/10, have to use command prompt, much harder than TI-reader, but still easily doable. On the upper hand, there are already many pre-converted books.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ebook/.owner   16
ebook/build.bat   417
ebook/CVS/Entries   188
ebook/CVS/Entries.Extra   58
ebook/CVS/Repository   7
ebook/CVS/Root   27
ebook/ebook-readme.html   12315
ebook/ebook.89z   6765
ebook/ebook.9xz   6775
ebook/ebook.c   64359
ebook/ebook.v2z   6775
ebook/ebook89.tpr   1290
ebook/ebook89L.tpr   1303
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ebook/ebook92PV200L.tpr   1292
ebook/ebook_large.89z   6871
ebook/ebook_large.9xz   7117
ebook/ebook_large.v2z   7117
ebook/ttarchive.h   3192
ebook/ttunpack.h   9244

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