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Ultimate Chemistry


Ranked as 625 on our all-time top downloads list with 22978 downloads.

Filename cmt.zip (Download)
Title Ultimate Chemistry
Description This program allows you to use over 30 formulas in chemestry. From Gas Laws to the wavelenght, Roult's Law, Braggs equation, Velocity, Energy and others. It also finds molar mass from Molarity, Molality, Osmotic pressure and others. You can find the specific heat of a metal in the laboratory, find the mass percent, and the mol fration and even the radius of an element if you have its density. Just plug in the information and presto, you get the answer. Ideal to check your answer in class and on the test. It is only one single file and does not make unwanted variables.
Author Fernando Johan Orozco (johanfer@sbcglobal.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Chemistry)
File Size 31,985 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 6 22:12:46 2013
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
cmt.89g   91767
Read me.txt   3378
snapshot 1.TIF   2370
snapshot 10.TIF   2370
snapshot 11.TIF   2370
snapshot 12.TIF   2370
snapshot 2.TIF   2370
snapshot 3.TIF   2370
snapshot 4.TIF   2370
snapshot 5.TIF   2370
snapshot 6.TIF   2370
snapshot 7.TIF   2370
snapshot 8.TIF   2370
snapshot 9.TIF   2370

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