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Falldown v2.0


Ranked as 360 on our all-time top downloads list with 31715 downloads.

Filename falldown.zip (Download)
Title Falldown v2.0
Description This is exactly like the Falldown game programmed in assembly, but now in BASIC. If you are not familiar with the Falldown game, the instructions are simple. You have to move the ball left and right to guide it through the holes in the walls. The walls are constantly moving up, and if you cannot "falldown" and you get trapped between the top of the screen and a wall, then the game is over. I highly recommend this game! (It is exactly the same as my 1st Falldown, but NOW WITH LEVELS!)
Author Julian Rosenberg (julian@juliansweb.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Platform)
File Size 1,308 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 6 21:39:52 2001
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Tim McMahon
Reviewed on 2004-09-04
“Falldown” has been well known as a great ASM game. This, however is a “BASIC” version of it. The ASCII characters used in this game instead of pixels proved to be a good thing, as it made the game run faster. It scrolls a lot like any other “Falldown” game and keeps your high score. The only difficulty I had when playing this game was that I found it impossible to go through the gap after the fourth line as the ball couldn't move fast enough across the screen.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
read me.txt   559
falldown.8xp   1677

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