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The Startup program (With a massive memo program)


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Filename start.zip (Download)
Title The Startup program (With a massive memo program)
Description It's like the first cup of coffe in the morning. Its the way to start everything off just right. The startup program is just a friendly way of saying hello when you first get on, but the best feature is the memos. The startup program has room for four memos, not too big, but I have added on a program that has a total of fifty memos, each with room for about 20 Char. This is a friend ly helper (or a way to help you on math and science tests). Before you can read a memo, you first have to write one up. If you read a memo and you haven't written anything for it yet, the calculator will display "Error" so don't try to read memos you haven't written yet. This should be a very useful tool to have.
Author Eric Da Man (ericplvn@aol.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 2,384 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 10 01:47:15 2000
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
A.86N   83
HI.86N   83
KEY.86N   83
MEMOS.86P   2101
NAME.86S   83
STARTUP.86P   992
X.86N   83
Y.86N   83

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