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Total Conquest v0.3


Ranked as 5432 on our all-time top downloads list with 6829 downloads.
Ranked as 18485 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename tc.zip (Download)
Title Total Conquest v0.3
Description Total Conquest is (currently) a 2-player TBS, featuring 20 different types of units: 13 mobile units and 7 buildings. All the action takes place on a 12 by 12 field, each tile having a land height (units on different heights have advantages over lower units). Some units, like the Minelayer and Missile Silo, even have special abilities. Manage your units and destroy the enemy capital to achieve Total Conquest!
Author Dan Alcantara (dfalcantara@ucdavis.edu)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 51,703 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 23 02:19:30 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Jared Schmidt
Reviewed on 2004-03-03
This game is nearly perfect. It's a turn base strategy game in which you control an army and destory your opponent's base. The only downfall is....IT'S 2 PLAYER. What's up with all the 2 player games. I'm in class and I dont want to or cant hook up with another calc to play the game. I would really like to see a new version of this game, but with AI.


*This game would be a 10/10 if it were single player with a decent AI.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
mpass.asm   3495
tc.asm   47140
template.asm   3278
sshot1.gif   1922
sshot2.gif   1828
Readme.htm   17035
gscreen.jpg   27624
changes.txt   3946
tc.86p   6051
mpass.86s   665
tchelp.86s   1099

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