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TI-Dictionary v0.1


Ranked as 588 on our all-time top downloads list with 23594 downloads.
Ranked as 18952 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename diction.zip (Download)
Title TI-Dictionary v0.1
Description TI-DICTIONARY is a compilation of various SAT vocab sources containing over 9,000 definitions, of over 6500 differe words. These are split into 26 string files, and come with a reader that allows the user to quickly search for a word or the beginning part of a word.
Author Kyle Littlefield (lfield@oneworld.owt.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 315,334 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Dec 4 23:14:50 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
vocab.89z   2321
readme.txt   5553
source/vocabtogether.txt   398641
source/vocab.c   5758
string/VOCAB_P.89S   45381
string/VOCAB_B.89S   14438
string/VOCAB_C.89S   34955
string/VOCAB_D.89S   28502
string/VOCAB_E.89S   24232
string/VOCAB_F.89S   12960
string/VOCAB_G.89S   7472
string/VOCAB_H.89S   8116
string/VOCAB_I.89S   31483
string/VOCAB_J.89S   2456
string/VOCAB_K.89S   1381
string/VOCAB_L.89S   9456
string/VOCAB_M.89S   21077
string/VOCAB_N.89S   7436
string/VOCAB_O.89S   12861
string/VOCAB_A.89S   39078
string/VOCAB_Q.89S   2815
string/VOCAB_R.89S   22152
string/VOCAB_S.89S   32028
string/VOCAB_T.89S   14078
string/VOCAB_U.89S   6542
string/VOCAB_V.89S   8185
string/VOCAB_W.89S   3193
string/VOCAB_X.89S   203
string/VOCAB_Y.89S   254
string/VOCAB_Z.89S   639

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