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Automatic Control Systems Toolbox v.3.0


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Ranked as 3842 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename acst.zip (Download)
Title Automatic Control Systems Toolbox v.3.0
Description Automatic Control Systems Toolbox (ACST) it's a powerful toolbox to design, analyze and simulate (control) systems. ACST has powerful tools for: *systems design by: specifying poles and zeros of the transfer function; specifying the state-space (SS) model; connecting two MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems by: series connection; parallel connection; feedback connection. system analysis by: Bode plots (MIMO systems); Nichols chart (MIMO systems); Nyquist diagram (MIMO systems); Gain and Phase margins (MIMO systems); Root locus (SISO systems); Poles-Zeros map (SISO systems). systems simulation(*) by: step response (SISO systems); impulse response (SISO systems); generic multiple input response (MIMO systems). save and modify graphical outputs. **What it's new in version 3.0**: new LTI systems modelling that allow to set the input delay separately by the LTI transfer function to speed up the analysis of systems; now you can use auto frequency ranging for Bode, Nichols and Nyquist analysis; more flexible systems' simulation(*); specific command to create MIMO systems using SISO systems; bugs fixed; faster.
Author troiani gianluca (troiani@infinito.it)
Category TI-92 BASIC Math Programs
File Size 135,043 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jun 1 20:52:27 2001
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ACST.92G   64525
acst.manual.pdf   141203
readme.txt   1503
License.txt   18347

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