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Ranked as 813 on our all-time top downloads list with 19544 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename blaze.zip (Download)
Title BLAzE
Description BLAzE is an intense racing game focused on speed and agility. The game remembers your three highest scores so you can challenge your friends, or beat your own best times. Version 2 has been totally rewritten and is less than half the size of the previous version, so it's faster than ever without sacrificing any of the action.
Authors Integer Software (integer@pathawks.com)
Pat Hawks (calc@pathawks.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Racing)
File Size 1,468 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Sep 9 00:20:38 2014
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Ben F.
Reviewed on 2021-08-19
BlAzE is, at its core, just another tunnel racer and a pretty easy one at that. I do have to say that the use of the splitscreen is a cool application of an underused effect, even if it doesn't really add anything substantial to the experience. That being said, the program runs very fast - a refreshing improvement from the slow, often memory-leak ridden tunnel racers of old.

Overall, 6.9/10 - It's just a good tunnel racer - nothing more, nothing less.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
BLAzE.TXT   474
BLAzE.8xp   617
BLAzE.83p   542

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