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Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.2


Ranked as 738 on our all-time top downloads list with 20832 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename tezxas.zip (Download)
Title Tezxas ZX Spectrum Emulator v2.2
Description Emulates ZX Spectrum, grayscale, 8000 available games
Author Samir Ribic (megaribi@hsl-sarajevo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 205,647 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Nov 6 19:22:39 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Astrid Smith
Reviewed on 2005-04-20
I haven't used this program in a long time, but it seems that it hasn't been updated for a while, so my opinions are still valid.

“Tezxas” emulates the ZX Spectrum, a z80 based machine. It does a fair job of this, apparently running at near real speed. However, it suffers from some usability issues. My main problem with “Tezxas” was that I couldn't read the screen font at all. Because the TI-89 has many fewer pixels than the ZX Spectrum, it had to be scaled down. Unfortunately, this makes the text difficult to read.

Another hardware problem is with the keyboard. I found it confusing, especially the various modes that the keyboard can be in. I'm not sure if this is a function of the ZX Spectrum or the calculator, but the mapping necessary to put it on the 89's keyboard only worsens the situation. Perhaps the author would have been better advised to write “Tezxas” for the TI-92+, which has a larger screen and a better keyboard for this sort of project.

When “Tezxas” was released, not much was known about TI-89 HW2 hardware, so the grayscale is flickery. There is a mode to run the emulator in black-and-white, but a better solution would be for the author to update it to use the new techniques.

Perhaps my main problem with this program is that I have little use for it. If I wanted to play ZX Spectrum games, I would probably love “Tezxas” despite its faults; but I don't. It seems to be relatively stable - the author warns about crashes from the quick-and-dirty style of the code, but I never experienced one.

I would recommend “Tezxas” for someone who has used a ZX Spectrum before or really wants to; it is not the ideal way to learn to use one.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TEZXAS.89Z   657
SROM.89C   34707
MANUAL.DOC   28004
MMINER.89C   19603
URBAN.89C   26518
FRED.89C   18626
KLORE.89C   27186
makefont.exe   5472
aticatac.89c   26361
sabrwulf.89c   32421

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