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Queue v0.9


Ranked as 4078 on our all-time top downloads list with 7786 downloads.
Ranked as 7555 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename queue.zip (Download)
Title Queue v0.9
Description Queue is a TI89 / TI92+ clone of both Tetris and Quadra. Tetris mode is the classic Tetris that we all love. Quadra is essentially Tetris with gravity. When a line of blocks is cleared, the pieces above fall as far as they can go. This leads to some awesome chain reactions. IMPROVED MULTIPLAYER! [NOSTUB program written in C, source included]
Author Kurt Hoffmann (kurt@hoffmann.net)
Category TI-92 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 73,928 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 24 16:50:10 2002
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
faq.txt   2438
bin92p/queue.9xz   1749
bin92p/queue.9xy   15097
bin92p/keyconf.9xz   5181
src/delays.c   593
src/delays.h   249
src/drawstuff.c   10386
src/drawstuff.h   753
src/fileio.c   5074
src/fileio.h   1028
src/keys.c   5407
src/keys.h   906
src/network.c   2954
src/network.h   670
src/bitmaps.h   4300
src/queue.tpr   586
src/queue.h   1219
src/queue.c   61130
src/keyconf/keyconf.tpr   446
src/keyconf/keyconf.c   3289
src/keyconf/fileio.c   5153
src/keyconf/fileio.h   1040
src/keyconf/keys.h   841
src/keyconf/keys.c   3139
src/keyconf/drawstuff.c   3977
src/keyconf/drawstuff.h   766
bin89/queue.89y   14995
bin89/queue.89z   1749
bin89/keyconf.89z   4917
readme.txt   3366

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