Fliptile v1.0
Ranked as 2839 on our all-time top downloads list with 9296 downloads. Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Review by
W Hibdon
Reviewed on
Do you like lights out? Well, if you do, then this is the program for you. The best lights out game for the 89 yet. It has simple graphics, but the animated flipping is a very nice touch.
One draw back, it moves a little too fast. You might think you are stopping on a block and hit enter before thinking, or realizing that you have overshot your mark. I know what you are thinking, "I would never do that, this W Hibdon guy must be a real idiot." However, if my idiocy does not factor in to this, it is very easy to over shoot, unless you are very carful. And because the game is as fun as it is, it is easy to stop paying that close attention; it only takes one slip up to end the game.
-W- |
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