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Battle Tanks v2.1


Ranked as 2259 on our all-time top downloads list with 10505 downloads.
Ranked as 19234 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename battank.zip (Download)
Title Battle Tanks v2.1
Description Battle Tanks is a battle game similar to the classic Scorched Earth game for DOS. The object of the game is to destroy your opponentÂ’s tank before he or she can destroy yours. There are 6 weapons: cannon, bomb, laser, nuke, guided and digger as well as 2-player mode, target practice mode and computer player mode. There are also 3 save slots for saving a game.
Author Evan Hoke (ehgid@earthlink.net)
Category TI-83 Assembly Games (Ion)
File Size 10,263 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Apr 13 01:58:49 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Rodney Blythe
Reviewed on 2004-04-14
Overall Rating-8/10 Great
Gameplay-8/10 Great
Graphics-7/10 Great
Speed-9/10 Superb
This game is my favorite tactical game for the 83. You have many capabilities in this game, such as save slots and alternate weapons. Some of the weapons are the laser, digger, and of course, the infamous nuke. The graphics are rather basic and at times it is hard to see the tanks, though it isn't that bad. You have many terrain options, like the ability to choose the approximate wind speed. By winning battles, you make money, which you can then use to buy supplies. There are many modes of play such as multiplayer, target shoot, and battle mode. Overall this is an excellent game! Have fun!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
BATTANK.8XP   5577
BATTANK.83P   5563

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