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EasyAsm Pidgen-Z80 Compiler v1.01


Ranked as 2034 on our all-time top downloads list with 11082 downloads.
Ranked as 17135 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename easyasm.zip (Download)
Title EasyAsm Pidgen-Z80 Compiler v1.01
Description EasyAsm v1.01 is more or less the same interface as EasyAsm V0.50 but with MANY more commands. Now compiles for MirageOS. It is ineffeciant to include the source but if you want it e-mail me
Author Alex Roper (alex@radicalsoft.org)
Category Windows Assembly Utilities
File Size 864,207 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Aug 3 18:22:35 2000
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No


Review by  scott delaney
Reviewed on 2006-02-15
This is a very easy to understand language, but it lacks even the simplest of commands. If the author reads this, my suggestion: every thing is good, but at least have most commands of BASIC. A sensible programmer should learn BASIC instead of this.

Ease of use:10/10
Overall:1/10 simply because you cannot make any programs with the extreme limitation of commands.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
EasyAsm Setup.EXE   883725

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