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Bolldin v1.0


Ranked as 5978 on our all-time top downloads list with 6505 downloads.
Ranked as 3170 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename bolldin.zip (Download)
Title Bolldin v1.0
Description A simple game. Take the coins and avoid being hit by arrows.
Author Andreas Finne (a_finne@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 13,243 bytes
File Date and Time Fri May 26 01:13:25 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Matt M
Reviewed on 2004-02-05
"Bolldin" is not very fun, to put it quite bluntly. With poor gameplay, graphics, and playability, I'm surprised anyone would download this.

The graphics suck. You are a blob. You try to get the circle. You try to avoid the arrows. The title screen is nice, but not very elaborate. All in all, these graphics aren't worth yours or your calculator's time/memory.

"Bolldin" is playable, just really, really boring. All you do is press the arrows. Eventually, if your blob is able to get enough circles, more arrows come at you! Wow (*sarcasm*)!!! In "Bolldin"'s defense, the game does have 5 levels of speed and 5 levels of difficulty.

You will never play this game again. It is absolutely a waste of space on your calculator. I've known some people who have kept "Bolldin" on their calculators for a couple of days. But nothing longer than that.

As I stated before, the controls are easy. All you really need to use are the arrow keys and the "ENTER" button. And don't forget about "CLEAR"! You'll probably use that a lot with this game . . .

Don't download "Bolldin". It's not only a waste of time, but a bad waste of time. Sometimes I think some lectures at school are more exciting than this game . . .

"Bolldin" gets a 3/10. Period.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
bolldin.8xp   2229
BOLLDIN.83P   2227
Bolldin.asm   31072
Bolldin.txt   7427

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