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Ranked as 7811 on our all-time top downloads list with 5581 downloads.

Filename trooperz.zip (Download)
Title Trooperz
Description 'Trooperz' is a non-commercial 2-player strategy game for the TI-89 calculator. It allows you to command a fighting squadron of 4 trooperz chosen in a list of 9 profiles through 5 different battlefields. A simple toolbar lets you access to many functions such as moving/attacking trooperz, opening/saving your games, using gas attacks, consulting scores, handling memory and/or errors with the help of the 4 different plug-ins, gathering info on your own squadron or on the enemy one, and displaying help messages during the game. Moreover, the polymorph cursors of 'Trooperz' and its direct information bar visible in the main screen allow a very instinctive way of playing, where the form of the cursor automatically informs you of the different actions you can accomplish. Finally, the fast and performant fighting mode and the sophisticated trooperzs' profiles directly inspired from wargames' and role-playing games' allow you to play simple-to-handle but realistic skirmishes.
Author Francois B (filearch@ticalc.org)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 6,411 bytes
File Date and Time Fri May 26 00:51:51 2000
Documentation Included? Yes



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trooperz.89g   16737

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