Who Wants to be a Millionaire? v0.1
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Who Wants to be a Millionaire? v0.1
Based on the TV show, including 48 sets of questions directly from that show.
Kirk Meyer (kirk.meyer@alpaxo.com)
TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size
104,145 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun May 21 03:33:09 2000
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Robert Mohr
Reviewed on
Attention span: 9/10 Addicting, but not too much. Controls: 9/10 Could be better, but fine for now. Implementation: 8/10 Lacks many small things. Overall: 8/10 Pretty well done, but needs more.
Note: the author of this review has written another version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? and may have a slight bias. He has tried to avoid that as much as possible.
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? v0.1 is a somewhat well done copy of ABC's hit TV show. And it looks like the author is going to make some very big changes after this 1st version. I love the show, which is why I'm reviewing this game only days after it came out. I wrote a of this game in 86-BASIC, but I was blown away by this game. I had 72 questions, and Kirk has much more. You get to select dates from the online game and can choose as many as you wish.
This game has all of the features of the online game. The layout is confusing to me, and if you're looking at this page, then you obviously like Millionaire?, and you've probably played my version of this game. I kept hitting the wrong buttons, but I'm sure I'll get over that.
The things I don't like about this show are that if you accidentally hit a lifeline button, you're stuck. I tried to avoid that in my version. Also, "Regis" doesn't say "Is that your final answer?" Again, that is included in my version. The author plans to add a timer, which I think is a good idea. I, however, did not include that in my version. Also, I didn't notice any wrong answers counted as right, nor vice-versa. I did notice that the audience occasionally didn't vote at all. That was sort of puzzling. Overall, this is a good game and I look forward to future versions. |
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