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TI-SokoMize v1.20


Ranked as 109 on our all-time top downloads list with 66782 downloads.
Ranked as 3872 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename sokomize.zip (Download)
Title TI-SokoMize v1.20
Description TI-SokoMize is a Sokoban clone for TI89/TI92p/V200 with randomly generated levels or predefined levels [NOSTUB program - full C source included] v1.20 is compiled with TIGCC 0.95 Beta 12, adding more optimizations and TI-89 Titanium compatibility.
Author Thomas Nussbaumer (thomas.nussbaumer@gmx.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 60,836 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 18 17:11:56 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Michael Swenson
Reviewed on 2008-03-06
Sokomize is an excellent puzzle game that's very enjoyable. It's a simple game where you must move blocks into designated squares.

It features two modes: Random and Preset. Random is just a randomized puzzle, but doesn't usually offer any sort of challenge unless you're lucky. This mode is for when you can't think straight and you want to do mindless things. Preset, however, is where you play any levels that you have put on your calculator. This is where the real fun is!

Graphics - 10/10

The graphics are simple but well fit for this style of puzzle. No complaints here.

Gameplay - 10/10

The gameplay is quite challenging, depending on what level you decide to play. The game will keep you busy for a very long time

Replay value - 8/10

Personally, I could play the same level over and over if enough time had passed since I last did the level, so it has high replayability in that regard. I suppose that once you finish all the levels (I'm not sure how many are available, but I the m00 + m01 files must contain at least 80 levels) you could just replay them over again. This game will last me forever.

Features - 10/10

This section represents the functionality of the game application. The menu works perfectly and can be easily returned to at any time. The game also remembers where you were just in case you turn your calculator off in the middle of the level, which is a great save feature!

Overall - 10/10

Excellent puzzle game. I highly suggest it!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
sokomize/.owner   16
sokomize/bin89/CVS/Repository   16
sokomize/bin89/CVS/Root   27
sokomize/bin89/m00.89t   5407
sokomize/bin89/m01.89t   14135
sokomize/bin89/sokodata.89y   8969
sokomize/bin89/sokomize-titanium.89z   1827
sokomize/bin89/sokomize.89z   1786
sokomize/bin92p/CVS/Repository   17
sokomize/bin92p/CVS/Root   27
sokomize/bin92p/m00.9xt   5407
sokomize/bin92p/m01.9xt   14135
sokomize/bin92p/sokodata.9xy   8979
sokomize/bin92p/sokomize.9xz   1786
sokomize/CVS/Entries   130
sokomize/CVS/Entries.Extra   76
sokomize/CVS/Repository   10
sokomize/CVS/Root   27
sokomize/levels/m00.txt   5393
sokomize/levels/m01.txt   14040
sokomize/readme.txt   10219
sokomize/src/build.bat   702
sokomize/src/CVS/Entries   185
sokomize/src/CVS/Entries.Extra   54
sokomize/src/CVS/Repository   14
sokomize/src/CVS/Root   27
sokomize/src/logo.c   7639
sokomize/src/menu.bmp   8118
sokomize/src/menu.c   21563
sokomize/src/sokomize.c   50964

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