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A+ Grade v1.1


Ranked as 3130 on our all-time top downloads list with 8855 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename agrade.zip (Download)
Title A+ Grade v1.1
Description This program, by far, is the best grade recorder. Just input your grade in the easy to navigate menus and it is stored in memory (not Strings) for you to view later. You may also find your average with the click of a button. You may also write notes using the included notepad.
Author Nathan Worcester (natethegreat@home.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Educational Programs (Agenda, Homework Tracking, Schedule Programs)
File Size 6,013 bytes
File Date and Time Fri May 19 23:04:09 2000
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  kevin king
Reviewed on 2010-03-14
This program is nothing like I expected... First, it uses so many list(about 25 lists all together). For me, that's just to much ram going to waste. Second of all, none of the lists or Str1 are being archived so if your ram resets.. well to bad for you. In the note department, it only allows you to have one note to view, the only nice part about it was that it tells you how to change your note(which for me will help, with my notepad type program I am making). So for that I'll say thanks, but to be serious, I would give this program a 3/10. AND, this program takes up 3.6k of ram. This is way to much for the little that it does. Sorry but I give this a half a star.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
AGRADE.8XP   3688
agrade2.8xp   7138
AG-Readme.txt   3082

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