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Defaults Professional v1.0


Ranked as 12185 on our all-time top downloads list with 4174 downloads.
Ranked as 8953 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename defpro.zip (Download)
Title Defaults Professional v1.0
Description The TI-Source Defaults Professional is the future in calculator settings management. Defaults Pro is more than a defaults program -- its a calculator settings manager. Create up to 99 schemes (system, graph, units or table), edit and customize it to fit your needs, then apply it when necessary. Managing settings could not be easier. Defaults Pro allows you to manage nearly every setting on the calculator. Included is excellent documentation and software for the TI-89 and TI-92 Plus. Download it now!
Author Jason Bailey (jasonsbailey@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Modes, Settings)
File Size 75,958 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Apr 9 22:46:33 2000
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Thomas Naeff
Reviewed on 2006-05-27
“Defaults Professional” is great. That's what I was searching for a long time.

(+) Especially useful if you have friends which are not that much experienced how to set up the calculator - just send them the files with the correct settings over the Link-feature included in the program

(+) It's easy to operate, and the help-file is very detailed

(+) Recover possibilities when the index-file is lost

(-) The program is very slow


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.wps   130560
Visit the TI-Source Website.url   88
Readme.rtf   237947
Readme.doc   237947
Readme.txt   1674
Shortcut.89p   1451
defpro.89g   64048
Apply.89p   4542
Shortcut.9Xp   1451
defpro.9Xg   64048
Apply.9Xp   4542

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