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The Best Quadratic Factoring Program v1.5


Ranked as 2577 on our all-time top downloads list with 9747 downloads.

Filename factor6.zip (Download)
Title The Best Quadratic Factoring Program v1.5
Description This program FOILs out quadratic equations. If the value of "X" is imiginary or irrational, then it'll write "-NOT FACTORABLE". The program takes a little while to display the answer, but it comes out exactly perfect. Plus the program is really small only about 1 kilobyte.
Author Ben Ilegbodu (benahimvp@aol.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Math Programs (Quadratic Solvers)
File Size 1,297 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 23 04:13:45 2001
Documentation Included? No



Review by  zach G
Reviewed on 2006-11-10
A nice quadratic equation factoring program, however I have noticed that it will sometimes label a factorable equation as prime. I have only noticed this to happens when a is negative. When it tries, however, I have always found it to give accurate results. A worthy download, but be sure to double check the results it gives.


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