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Algebra II Toolbox v6.89


Ranked as 1172 on our all-time top downloads list with 15354 downloads.
Ranked as 18653 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename tb89.zip (Download)
Title Algebra II Toolbox v6.89
Description Newest Version!! Version 6 has a few new features as well as a few modifications to the engine itself. The new version has a new code optimization as well as enhancments to help make it run a little faster and smoother. This new version includes a new Cramer's Rule function. Instead of just a 2var solver you now have the choice of 2 or 3 var Cramer's Rule Solvers. I also found a bug in the still ever wonderous Quadratic Section. As of now the Quadratic "applet" should be bug free minus GUI problems that I am still sorting out. This version is not the complete version 6. I was unable to meet my own deadline to get the Axis of Rotation "applet" out. If you are interested I can send you Version 6.89 alpha with the Axis "applet" in there if you like. The new version has been tested extensively and no known bugs have been found.TB89 is a port of the popular Algebra II Toolbox for the TI-86, TB86. A great Alg2 program. Contains Cramers Rule, Quadractics, Distance, Midpoint, and much much more. Very usefull program for anyone taking Alg2 or higher math class. Great GUI. Great desgin. Check it out, this is the only BASIC math program that you will ever need for your TI-89. Enjoy!
Authors Adam Franks (kaizer_911@yahoo.com)
JBoylan (JBoylan@Technologist.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 99,834 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 10 01:11:30 2001
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
TB89 Readme.txt   5775
Tb89.89p   5832
screenshot.gif   108409

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