Ultimate Huber
Ranked as 17603 on our all-time top downloads list with 3234 downloads. Ranked as 9465 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
huber.zip (Download)
Ultimate Huber
This is the best fighting game ever of the Huber series. Make sure all the pics are loaded. This is a 1 player fighting game where there are basic punches and kicks and special hidden moves using certain key combinations. Visit my site and I may tell you them at www.geocities.com/southbeach/palms/2436
Derrick Ongchin (cookie131@worldnet.att.net)
TI-86 BASIC Games
File Size
22,198 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Mar 13 02:08:08 2000
Documentation Included?
Review by
Dave Cobb
Reviewed on
Attention span: 3/10 You'll only play it once. Controls: 4/10 Unresponsive. Implementation: 1/10 Huge and password protected. Overall: 3/10 Poor implementation kills the game.
The author says, "This is the best fighting game ever of the Huber series." Since the Huber series consists of this game and an RPG, this is the best and worst (emphasis on worst) fighting game in the series.
When you start the game you must enter a serial number. Since there is no documentation, you must dig through the source code to find it. Should you happen to quit or lose and then try to play it again, the game will error (probably because of the serial number.) So you only get to play it once, probably not a bad thing. Huber is impossible to beat without emailing the author for special moves (which I doubt would work anyway.) Normal moves do little, if any, damage to Huber. When Huber retaliates he kills you. However the graphics are quite good. Good graphics + almost unplayable game = "museum disease" (you can look but you can't touch.)
This is the worst implemented game I have ever come across. The concept and graphics are good so this game may have a future. |
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Archive Contents
ULTIMATE.86P | 5317 |
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OMNI5.86I | 1083 |
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