Fractal Explorer 89 v1.0
Ranked as 8640 on our all-time top downloads list with 5242 downloads. Ranked as 6374 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Tom Mount
Reviewed on
Suitability: 7/10 If you like looking at cool graphs. Ease-Of-Use: 9/10 Simple, easy-to-understand. Overall: 8/10 One of the better fractal programs.
As I'm a math nerd, I was looking for something like this program. I've always been fascinated by fractals, and this program didn't disappoint me. It's a very snappy (quick) routine that offers greyscale color scrolling and zooming options. When you first start the program, you can choose either a Mandelbrot- or Julia-style fractal. When you choose the Julia fractal, you can specify two different variables. Here's the first thing I didn't like: the variables are in Hex format. As I understand it, the two default variables are 0.3 and 0.6. So, why couldn't we just say "0.3" and "0.6"? But, if you know anything about hex numbers, feel free to play around.
Another nice feature is the ability to completely stop the drawing of a fractal when you're zooming. Once you get into the tenth iteration of the drawing, it can get a little slow, and it's nice to be able to stop the thing if you want to zoom in on something that's already drawn rather than wait for the entire thing to finish. |
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