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Collection of Classic Text Adventures v1.7


Ranked as 357 on our all-time top downloads list with 31857 downloads.
Ranked as 32710 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 646 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.36.

Filename advint.zip (Download)
Title Collection of Classic Text Adventures v1.7
Description The collection of 33 old classic textual adventure games originally produced by "Adventure International", ported to the TI-89. They are originally written mainly by Scott Adams and Brian Howarth between 1978 and 1987, first for TRS-80, then for Apple II, BBC B, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum. Documentation about each game included. C source included, useful for learning C programming on TI. This release fixes some major bugs, and works stable on any AMS release and on any HW version.
Authors Thomas Nussbaumer (thomas.nussbaumer@gmx.net)
Zeljko Juric (zjuric@utic.net.ba)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Role-playing)
File Size 633,544 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 2 00:11:24 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Dan Sandstrom
Reviewed on 2004-11-22
Attention span: 8/10 Good.
Controls: 4/10 Entering text on TI-89 is annoying.
Implementation: 9/10 Quick and simple.
Overall: 7/10 Only bad thing is the controls.

Ah, the classics. These are all text adventures put onto the TI-89; games where you have to think instead of react.

The games are certainly entertaining, and if you get stuck, the author has even included hint guides for each one. Descriptions of each area are vivid, and will certainly stick in your mind longer than any more graphical game will.

The only thing that detracts from this classic gaming experience is entering text. You have to type everything in- which is made awkward by the keyboard layout, Other than that, this is a nice little collection to have. When is the editor coming out, though?


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Archive Contents
Name Size
gameshlp.zip   465287
source/scott.tpr   210
source/scott.c   39694
gameinfo.txt   12656
games/ADVLAND.89Y   9358
games/ADSAMPLE.89Y   7550
games/ARROW1.89Y   7365
games/ARROW2.89Y   8409
games/BBANZAI.89Y   9201
games/CIRCUS.89Y   7351
games/COUNT.89Y   9349
games/EPULSAR.89Y   9555
games/FEXPER.89Y   7269
games/FUNHOUSE.89Y   9281
games/GBATON.89Y   7258
games/GREMLINS.89Y   10088
games/GTOWN.89Y   9241
games/GVOYAGE.89Y   9265
games/HULK.89Y   9448
games/INDIANS.89Y   7800
games/ODYSSEY.89Y   9299
games/PERSEUS.89Y   8596
games/PIRATE.89Y   9115
games/PYRAMID.89Y   9202
games/ROBIN.89Y   14822
games/RTPIRATE.89Y   9357
games/SAVAGE1.89Y   9300
games/SAVAGE2.89Y   9288
games/SEABLOOD.89Y   15251
games/SMISSION.89Y   9091
games/SORCERER.89Y   9251
games/SPIDRMAN.89Y   9687
games/SUPGRAN.89Y   9816
games/TMACHINE.89Y   7337
games/VOODOO.89Y   9245
games/WAKYRZ.89Y   9290
games/WAXWORKS.89Y   8917
readme.txt   26678
scott.89y   11250
scott.89z   1795

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