TIGCC Library v2.31
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tigcclib.zip (Download)
TIGCC Library v2.31
A very big collection of functions (nearly 800) for the TIGCC compiler, which includes both standard ANSI library functions and TIOS specific ones. May be used for both "nostub" (kernel-less) and "DoorsOS" programming. Very detailed documentation in CHM format is included (HTML sources for non-Windows users are included too), in which more than 600 TIOS entries are described in details, so these info may be very valuable for assembly programmers too. The documentation includes not only information about library functions, but about the whole TIGCC project, including the compiler options, a brief reference to C language keywords, operators and punctuators, description of GNU C language extensions, GNU Assember, and much more. This library release (2.31) is newer than one included in TIGCC 0.9 package, so you should download it even if you have already TIGCC 0.9 installed (which includes TIGCCLIB 2.3).
Zeljko Juric (zjuric@utic.net.ba)
Windows Assembly Utilities
File Size
1,732,627 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Dec 24 21:21:46 2000
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Dan Sandstrom
Reviewed on
Suitability: 10/10 Read above :) Ease-Of-Use: 8/10 Too many HTML files! Overall: 9/10 One slick programmer's tool.
Notice to programmers who hate ASM: Here is your chance to shine! The TI-GCC Library is powerful and extends almost the entire ROM's abilities to your hand.
The library is an extension to the TI-GCC compiler. It puts, at your fingertips, an innumerable amount of functions that can make your program smaller, faster, and more powerful. ASM programmers can benefit from this, too, as it documents all the major abilities (graphics, the VAT, and memory allocation) and some of the minor ones, thus freeing a programmer from the need to use an ASM shell.
Need I say more? I hate ASM with an undying passion (not as much as that for AOL though) and could have quite possibly found the perfect library. |
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Archive Contents
Include/wingraph.h | 7235 |
Include/alloc.h | 3254 |
Include/args.h | 5527 |
Include/asmtypes.h | 585 |
Include/assert.h | 2008 |
Include/bascmd.h | 2810 |
Include/cert.h | 2191 |
Include/compat.h | 1711 |
Include/ctype.h | 2883 |
Include/dialogs.h | 1861 |
Include/doors.h | 2386 |
Include/error.h | 1168 |
Include/estack.h | 22892 |
Include/events.h | 7371 |
Include/flash.h | 1543 |
Include/gdraw.h | 970 |
Include/graph.h | 6517 |
Include/gray.h | 5461 |
Include/kbd.h | 1821 |
Include/limits.h | 696 |
Include/link.h | 3020 |
Include/mem.h | 820 |
Include/menus.h | 2834 |
Include/nostub.h | 4989 |
Include/peekpoke.h | 785 |
Include/printf.h | 20 |
Include/rsa.h | 1129 |
Include/setjmp.h | 446 |
Include/sources | 22298 |
Include/sprites.h | 1602 |
Include/statline.h | 1760 |
Include/stdarg.h | 377 |
Include/stdio.h | 10793 |
Include/stdlib.h | 9552 |
Include/string.h | 2321 |
Include/system.h | 5220 |
Include/textedit.h | 3710 |
Include/timath.h | 9155 |
Include/unknown.h | 13465 |
Include/values.h | 936 |
Include/vat.h | 4994 |
Include/all.h | 23 |
Include/intr.h | 1363 |
Include/tigcclib.h | 1115 |
Include/float.h | 1169 |
Include/math.h | 5990 |
Include/pstarter.s | 11926 |
Include/tipatch.lib | 2939 |
Doc/htmldoc.zip | 600481 |
Doc/tigcc.chm | 1061872 |
Readme.txt | 26353 |