GenLib v0.99.17
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Archive Contents
genlib.h | 10868 |
Bin/Src/INCLUDE.H | 267 |
Bin/Src/BinToDc.c | 1224 |
Bin/Src/MACROS.H | 374 |
Bin/Src/STRING92.H | 1578 |
Bin/Src/STRING92.C | 4201 |
Bin/Src/BinToStr.c | 830 |
Bin/Src/FgToS16.c | 2110 |
Bin/Src/FgToBgs.c | 2384 |
Bin/Src/cossin.c | 321 |
Bin/Src/mul30.c | 258 |
Prog/Gentimer.89z | 359 |
Prog/Gentimer.92p | 309 |
Prog/Gentimer.9xz | 359 |
Prog/Gentimer.asm | 797 |
Doc/History.txt | 2977 |
Doc/GenLib.txt | 40830 |
Doc/BinToStr.txt | 303 |
Doc/Gentut.txt | 42618 |
Doc/Gentimer.txt | 202 |
Doc/Genbench.txt | 914 |
Example/GenSpri.asm | 2444 |
Example/GenDhz.asm | 4052 |
Example/GenDhz16.asm | 5915 |
Example/GenScr16.asm | 4629 |
Example/GenScrol.asm | 3704 |
Example/GenBSpr.asm | 2070 |
Example/PL2.LVL | 256 |
Example/FERNAND.BIN | 768 |
Example/tile.bin | 512 |
Example/PL.LVL | 1024 |
Example/Decor.bin | 2880 |
Example/GenFace.asm | 2083 |
Example/GenTut.asm | 4086 |
Example/GenCircl.asm | 553 |
Example/Gts.asm | 2228 |
Example/GenLink.asm | 3109 |
Example/GenHdz.asm | 3825 |
Example/GenStrin.asm | 572 |
Example/GenPixel.asm | 438 |
Example/gentst.asm | 2191 |
Example/BOUCL1.BIN | 258 |
Example/Genline.asm | 498 |
Example/GenHdz2.asm | 5068 |
Example/gentst2.asm | 3286 |
GENLIB.89Z | 14363 |
Gcc/gentst.c | 2107 |
Gcc/gen.c | 1384 |
Gcc/gen.h | 18004 |
Gcc/GenTst2.c | 417 |
Genlib.92p | 11310 |
Genlib.9xz | 14363 |
As92/Equgen.9xt | 9807 |
As92/Equgen.89t | 9807 |